WCNP 2025 – 35th Annual Meeting
The Winter Conference on Neural Plasticity is concerned with all aspects of neural plasticity: from development to aging, from learning and memory to pathology, from molecular to behavior, from invertebrates to humans. The Organizers seek to provide stimulating scientific sessions in a beautiful tropical setting. Symposia are held in the mornings and evenings and feature extensive discussion as the number of attendees is typically less than 100. Ample free time is provided in the middle of the day for relaxation, informal discussion and recreation. The meeting site is an ocean front hotel offering all the amenities of a tropical resort.
Date and Place
February 15 – 24th, 2025
Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
The conference is scheduled from Saturday to Saturday; participants should use the weekends for travel to and from the conference. The conference begins with the Richard F. Thompson New Concepts Session on Sunday afternoon (Feb 16) from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Thereafter, all regular sessions are held from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The conference is open to anyone who would like to attend.
Please check our home page on a regular basis for updates. We hope that you will be able to join us, and we look forward to seeing you at the conference!
—Ted L. Petit, Ph.D. and Janelle C. Le Boutillier, Ph.D
on behalf of the Steering Committee
Meeting Organizers
Founding & Current Organizers:
Ted L. Petit: wcnp.utsc@utoronto.ca
Janelle C. LeBoutillier: wcnp.utsc@utoronto.ca
Incoming Organizers:
Catherine Kaczorowski: catherine.kaczorowski@jax.org
Stephen Maren: maren@tamu.edu
Steering Committee
Carol Barnes: carol@nsma.arizona.edu
Laura Colgin: colgin@mail.clm.utexas.edu
Michael Fanselow: mfanselow@gmail.com
Tom Foster: foster1@ufl.edu
Catherine Kaczorowski: catherine.kaczorowski@jax.org
Stefan Knecht: stefan.knecht@stmtk.de
Stephen Maren: maren@tamu.edu
Alcino Silva: silvaa@mednet.ucla.edu